Like our very own Visqueen, Tyvek is a band that named itself after a synthetic wrap often found on construction sites. But there isn’t much construction underway where this band hails from; Inner-city Detroit, an area that, in the words of comedian Eugene Mirman, “looks like it’s been attacked.” But urban neglect and decay also produces great punk rock, which is why the dirty D and Cleve-O, Ohio, have been such hotbeds for the rawest of the raw (MC5! Dead Boys!). There is a buzzy, deconstructionist, slightly out-of-tune quality to Tyvek’s recordings, but what’s more key is the way Tyvek overlay thick-headed snare-and-cymbal pounding with rather upbeat 60s garage melodies. Not only is this raw-and-pop blend essential when you traffic in populist noise-punk, its also makes Tyvek a perfect complement to local openers Coconut Coolouts, who play party-punk so fuzzed it sounds like your shitty speakers are about to burst. Photo by Tyler Merkel.
Sun., Feb. 22, 9:30 p.m., 2009