The Cave Singers

Thursday, December 11

At The Moore a few months back, Cave Singers vocalist Pete Quirk joked that their next album would be titled Cave Singers on Campus. It’s doubtful that Matador, their label, would allow that, but if the new songs they played that night were any indication, their sophomore album is gonna be killer. The new songs were much more breezy and rocking than the intimate front-porch picking of Invitation Songs. They reminded me a lot of “Oh Christine,” arguably the most “urban folk” sounding number on Invitation. Guitarist Derek Fudesco was jubilant onstage, knees bouncing wildly as if it was all he could do to remain planted in his seat. His alternate strumming and finger-picking were like a cross between Mississippi John Hurt and Lou Reed. But Quirk was also a joy to watch and listen to: He’s crafted a Ginsberg-ian animated poet presence onstage and, also like a poet, plays with his words when he sings. He turns his lyrics into rubber bands, stretching them to their limit…then letting them snap back.

Thu., Dec. 11, 8 p.m., 2008