Ruben Studdard & Clay Aiken

Just like Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky and E.T. and Reese’s Pieces, Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken are yet another unlikely pair forever linked together – the two, were the last ones standing on 2003’s Season 2 of American Idol (Ruben barely won). Studdard is large, black, straight, and the poor man’s Luther Vandross; Aiken is skinny, white, gay, and the poor man’s Barry Manilow. But it’s near impossible to think of one without the other. Somehow, both have maintained their performing careers over the past eight years despite their marginal talents, mainly through musical theater rather than stellar songwriting or album-making. And now the duo is hitting the road (well, mainly the casino circuit) together on their “Timeless” tour. If you can’t make it, don’t worry – they’ll probably be doing the same thing ’til the end of time. MICHAEL ALAN GOLDBERG

Thu., July 29, 7 p.m., 2010