
If you spent part of your younger days alone in the dark, watching The Matrix and Hong Kong action movies, or even if you didn’t, Nanda may seem awfully familiar. The self-described “Acrobaticalist Ninja Theater” quartet—originally from Port Townsend, now based in Portland—has been honing its martial arts/break dance/gymnastics/juggling/joke cracking skills on the festival circuit, from the Moisture Festival to Bumbershoot. In the revised version of The Jacket, about four adventurers searching for a magical coat that bestows superhuman powers, there are elements of vaudeville, parkour, mime, capoeira, “kung faux” (sorry!), and plenty of sight gags for the kids. Parents will appreciate the humorous asides and an evident debt to The Flying Karamazov Brothers, who have praised Nanda’s act. SANDRA KURTZ

Fri., Dec. 21, 7:30 p.m.; Sat., Dec. 22, 8 p.m., 2012