Har Mar Superstar

Monday, July 20

Who better to anchor a leg of Lebowski Fest dates than Har Mar Superstar? The bubblegum R&B persona of Sean Na Na’s Sean Tillman, Har Mar has spent the decade as a career slacker whose sardonic ease of delivery has given him way more appeal than his lewd, white-boy shtick should ever have had. Gyrating his doughy torso and heaping his songs with whipped falsetto, he memorably hones in on recent cultural experiences like drunk-dialing, as well as older ones like, um, Hypercolor. He’s also managed to show up Spank Rock on the Neon Neon single “Trick For Treat” and produce a side-splitting series of web videos. Next up? Har Mar’s got a fourth album due in October, which should prove whether the prolonged, if loving, gag is finally wearing thin or becoming close to indestructible. With this guy, it could easily go either way. With Jeff “The Dude” Dowd.

Mon., July 20, 6 p.m., 2009