Craft Spells

Damn, nobody told me Craft Spells main dude Justin Vallesteros moved to San Francisco. Bummer for us, because their new EP, Gallery, represents a huge leap forward for the restless dream pop band. Where last year’s full-length debut Idle Labor was a breezy but insubstantial bit of bedroom-sized New Order New Wave, Gallery tightens their sound substantially, while better representing the expanded live band’s more filled-in sound. This is the record that should be cementing Craft Spells as one of Seattle’s—not SF’s—best young bands (although 3/4ths of them still live here). In any case, they make a fine opener for the Drums’ melancholic, surf-inflected indie pop. With Part Time. ERIC GRANDY

Wed., May 9, 7 p.m., 2012