Sorting Pears

Three planets enter new signs, and Saturn goes direct.

There’s a photo of me at age 4, taken on my grandparents’ orchard in Colorado, where I’m sitting with my cousin at the top of what looks like an Astroturf-covered slide. The contraption was a homemade pear sorter. Freshly picked pears would slowly roll down the green slope so adults standing at the bottom could toss damaged pears into a “cull” bin and keep the sellable fruit. This is a big sorting week—toss or keep.

Virgo is a sign that’s constantly, quickly analyzing and judging something’s overall value. Since Mercury moves into Virgo on the 5th and there’s a new Moon in Virgo on the 9th, we have the mighty Virgoan ability to discern what’s best. Leading up to Sunday’s new Moon, expect to shed things and situations. Stay-or-go pressure is further emphasized on the 8th when Venus squares Mars. On the 6th, Saturn goes direct, kicking up maturity-and-responsibility issues until the 11th. Saturn’s direction change may also add a new chapter to whatever story you lived out during the July 27th (Bad Moon Rising) lunar eclipse.

Three personal planets enter new signs this week, creating a seasonal wardrobe change in the sky. Mercury is pleased to shift into Virgo—one of the two signs it rules—on Wednesday. When I think of Mercury in Virgo, I think of my favorite Virgo actor, Keanu Reeves. (I consider Point Break an American masterpiece.) The way Keanu delivers his lines matter-of-factly, with occasional hints of dry sarcasm, exemplifies Virgo expression. With Mercury in Virgo, we’re careful with our words (and a bit humbler than when Mercury was in Leo). On the 9th, Venus enters Scorpio, a sign it will remain in for most of its upcoming retrograde. Venus is not pleased to be in suspicious, secretive Scorpio. The way we relate to others may feel more intense, but a Scorpio Venus also lets us cut through niceties to arrive at substance. On the 10th, Mars re-enters Aquarius, the sign in which it began its summer retrograde. In this new placement, conflict tends to take place on the internet or by surprise. Mars in Aquarius has a “Well, that escalated quickly” quality.


Change your sheets, change your life. I believe that housekeeping is a form of practical magic. After you dust or vacuum a room, it just feels different. The care and attention you show your belongings can transform those objects, even lift moods. You could merely sweep the floor or you could clear the space, depending on your intentions. A broom can become a magical object that pushes away the old. I’m a big fan of visualization. I don’t just scrub my bathtub—I envision whatever inner scum I don’t want to hold anymore rinsing down the drain. What do you want to release? When you open a window, visualize what you want to welcome in, and inhale. Sunday’s new Moon in Virgo, combined with Saturn-turning-direct action plus two Grand Earth Trines (on the 7th and the 11th) give this whole week a theme of purification. Cleaning and maintaining physical space requires intention and repetition, two Virgo traits. Put on music or a podcast you love and find time this week to not only clean—but also cleanse.


On Wednesday the 5th, give yourself permission to release past doubts and disappointments. It’s done. You’ll do emotional work. Mercury enters Virgo and also strains Juno, a lesser-known asteroid about compatibility and relating. Your goal will be tested. On Thursday the 6th, Saturn stations to go direct, perhaps reactivating topics from the July 27th eclipse. Friday the 7th is a good day for planning and preparing. Your imagination is strong, even spiritual, with the Sun opposing Neptune. However, delusions or substance overuse are also possible. You may stress wondering about others’ intentions; a conversation is tinted by power dynamics too. Saturday the 8th lets you express how you feel. Venus squaring Mars means you could part ways with someone or realize the two of you have different priorities. Yet that’s also a passionate configuration, so use it creatively. The Moon is in productive Virgo and gearing up for a new Moon in Virgo on Sunday the 9th. This potent new Moon is great for intention-setting and cleansing. Venus enters Scorpio, and the Sun and Uranus bring an unexpected shift. Try to overcome inner doubt and confusion. On Monday the 10th, insecure feelings continue. You’re testing a new reality, but perhaps feeling uneasy about the change. The Moon in Libra prioritizes fairness and checking in with others. Mars also enters Aquarius. On Tuesday the 11th, the Moon is void after 4 p.m., so zone out instead of trying to make big choices. Venus and Uranus begin to tug at each other, which can stir fears of being close. The Sun creates a sweet sextile with Jupiter and a powerful trine with Pluto. Transform!
