Dan Hawkins

One upon a time, aristocrats built romantic ruins, called “follies,” on their perfectly manicured estate grounds. Today we have the Rust Belt and recession to do the work for us. Local photographer Dan Hawkins ventured to Detroit (where else?) to shoot his images of post-industrial decay–broken glass and rust, peeling paint and abandoned factories. But, really, Detroit is closer than we think. We’ve got abandoned and foreclosed homes here in the Northwest. Vacant storefronts abound. The construction pits where posh new condos were planned now are sheeted with plastic and filling with water. The blight may not be as bad, but it’s infected us here as well. And there’s an element of nostalgia, too, a yearning for a past Golden Age of smokestacks and the Big Three. Hawkins’ portraits of the empty old boilers at Michigan’s McLouth Steel plant resemble our own Gas Works Park. They remind us of the past, the present, and possibly the future. (Also on view: work by Kirk Botero, Lynn Brofsky, John Dempcy, and Todd Horton.) BRIAN MILLER

Tuesdays-Fridays, 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Starts: Nov. 11. Continues through Dec. 11, 2009