Bill Finger

Making movies is expensive. But if you take a single movie scene, reduce it down to about 1/32 scale, the tabletop tableau becomes quite manageable. In the miniatures he’s constructed and photographed for “Gravity Wins,” local artist Bill Finger shrinks down famous or typical movie settings. Thus the sedan being pulled from the swamp at the end of Psycho, its trunk full of horror, is now a tiny matchbox toy car. The terror is diminutive, almost cute. Clues are left around the frames as to their artifice, as if you’re wandering past a set on a soundstage. But the actors are absent (they’d have to be an inch tall), so you’re left to imagine how the cops would take their places in an interrogation cell or the doctors in a hospital room. These are empty dioramas for movies that’ll never be made, like the sad, empty, condensed residue of our big-screen dreams. (Finger will attend the show’s final Saturday.) BRIAN MILLER

Thursdays-Saturdays, 12-5 p.m. Starts: Nov. 5. Continues through Nov. 28, 2009