Warren Moon

You better be on time if you want to see a movie with Warren Moon. The former Husky star quarterback, who helped beat Michigan in the 1978 Rose Bowl, is a stickler about showtimes. It’s one of the few concrete, character-illuminating nuggets in his new autobiography, Never Give Up on Your Dream (Da Capo, $25). The retired QB, who played the 1997-98 season with the Seahawks and now broadcasts their games, mostly fills the book with inspirational bromides and vague allusions to his DUIs on the Eastside. Born into a large, poor family L.A., he’s done well for himself financially after a long career in the CFL and NFL (which ended in 2000), but confesses to carrying a chip on his shoulder about pro scouts considering him too black to play QB. The book sounds more like his co-writer (Don Yaeger) than Moon himself, but one details sticks with me: Moon, apparently a Yoda-quoting movie lover, is still pissed about people showing up late for the 1981 Michael Caine horror flick The Hand. He relates how he and his UW buddy Lorenzo Romar–a former NBA-er now coaching the UW hoops squad–kept whispering at late-comers to the theater, “The movie started at 7:30!” Twenty-eight years later, and he’s still irate. BRIAN MILLER

Thu., Oct. 29, 5:30 p.m., 2009