Memento Mori

This K-horror fave from SIFF ’01 features hot high school lesbian action! What more do you need to know? Well—how about suicides, ghosts, and telepathy? Still not convinced? What about sex between teachers and students? (That’s a well-known subject in our part of the world.) Something like The Virgin Suicides, Memento Mori depicts a hothouse world of not-so-latent adolescent eros. It’s a fever dream of pubescence, with obsessive secret diaries and protestations of eternal friendship. At a girls’ boarding school, one younger teen swipes the diary of two love-besotted 17-year-olds, then laments, “At first it was fun, but now it’s creepy knowing all their secrets.” Yet the creepiness never rises to the graphic standard of Carrie. Instead, this stylish picture’s more a study of mood, fraught with intrigue and yearning. It escalates gradually to an incoherent shrieking finale, but afterwards you remember the Gothic tone tailored for the Britney Spears generation. (NR) BRIAN MILLER

Wed., July 30, 7 & 9:45 p.m.; Aug. 1-3, 7 & 9:45 p.m., 2008