
Friday, July 20

With Seattle’s summer sizzle in full effect, the surrounding temperate wilderness is beckoning. But before you pack your sleeping bag and insect repellent, head out into the forest, and hunker down around a campfire this weekend, you might want to consider taking in the sounds of San Francisco’s Citay, the collaboration between Piano Magic’s Ezra Feinberg and the Fucking Champs guitarist Tim Green. Drawing influence from Led Zeppelin’s folk-renaissance side of Houses of the Holy, Citay’s self-titled debut from last year is steeped in gentle and engaging campfire dynamics. While tense, dueling electric and acoustic guitars and a bongo backbeat are the fuel to Citay’s smoke-friendly fire, the harrowing harmonies and synth, mandolin, and flute parts blanket the star-speckled sky with impenetrable light that can be seen for miles.

Listen to Citay’s “Seasons.”