Twilight Exit

Slouching into the Twilight Exit for happy hour, you’ll find the low, soothing light and amazing jukebox to be the perfect backdrop for getting down to serious drinking. The place resembles the cluttered den of your favorite alcoholic uncle: cozy seating, a few bar games, a pool table, and a private smoking area out back. The bartender pours a truly happy happy-hour drink (i.e., super stiff), and you can begin to forget life’s travails when the jukebox pairs the Wu-Tang Clan back-to-back with Tom Waits or Fugazi. Happy “hour” is actually a leisurely four hours, from 4 to 8 p.m., so you don’t have to rush the $2.50 wells—nor the $2.75 micros and $3 imports. And did I mention the $1.50 Pabst pints? The Exit is not an eating bar so much as it is a drinking bar, so there’s no special pricing on food. Even so, they have a decent menu of fried things: burgers, sandwiches, and platters, all of which seem to revolve around $8. But the food’s really only there to absorb the hammering you’re going to give your liver. CENTRAL DISTRICT